
Thank-you everyone for following along on our new journey! Since its sale time, we have looked up all our product reviews and put all those that are having sales below. Note all prices and availabilities are accurate at time of posting. Each product has a link to our review and the sale. Happy shopping! cheap-neckties.com30% off Sitewide Sale! Wondering what their products are like? You can learn more with our reviews of their neckties and masks. Redbubble20% off Sitewide Sale with code BOXINGDAY. Check out our review of their masks here.Sale is for December 26, 2020 only.  Ricki’sUp to 70% […]

Time to Tie the Knot

There’s nothing like dressing up for an important occasion, especially your wedding. But making everything just right for your special lady and that big day can be quite stressful and finding just the right piece of clothing within your budget only adds to your anxiety. I had the suit, the shirt, the vest, the pants but I was missing a vital component… a necktie! As I searched for that polka dot tie with just the right colours I remembered a website… Ties, ties, and more ties of almost every size, colour, material, and design! The best part? All are […]