Wow is that a ShamWow?

Lets talk about Shamwow. I bought my first Shamwow over 10 years ago when visiting the Calgary Stampede. I wouldn’t have called it an impulse buy but I was a little impressed at all the water it could hold, so I might have been caught up in the wonder of it. So what exactly is the Shamwow? The Shamwow is made up of viscose materials. This means it’s a type of Rayon. Rayon is made from cellulous fiber usually made from wood or other similar materials that is then processed. As mentioned, I really like the amount of water the […]

Cool Mask – Where’d ya get it?

Lets talk about masks. In this world we live in it’s the thing to have to do our everyday things. Businesses have switched gears to make and sell masks. Companies from Beanie Babies to Vista Print to Shamwow all have gotten on the bandwagon of making masks. So how do you choose? Where do you go? What about custom masks? So lets go through some key things to choose your masks and review the masks I have purchased so far. For the purpose of this article when I say masks I am referring to non-medical face coverings. For us this […]

A Great Way to Shave a Few Dollars

It’s no secret: most guys are creatures of habit, we don’t like change… So, when it comes to shaving, if we find a good razor we hold on to it for as long as we can. There’s nothing like a quality razor blade that gives you a smooth finish with no nicks or cuts. But name brand razors and their cartridges are so expensive and what if your razor blade is out of stock when you go to the store? Sure disposable razors are fine in a pinch but, personally, they are not a long-term option. Thankfully, there is another… […]