Blue-tiful Sounds from the Amazon

Music is awesome and there’s something special about hearing your favourite song on the radio, turning up the volume, singing along as loud as you can! It can help you relax, unwind, and de-stress after the daily grind… and of course it’s even better with your own personal playlist perfectly curated on your phone or device! But what if, like yours truly, your vehicle doesn’t have Bluetooth, or an auxiliary plug, or even *gasp* a cassette deck?! Some of you may wonder what time hole my car crawled out of but I don’t doubt that there are a quite a […]

Wow is that a ShamWow?

Lets talk about Shamwow. I bought my first Shamwow over 10 years ago when visiting the Calgary Stampede. I wouldn’t have called it an impulse buy but I was a little impressed at all the water it could hold, so I might have been caught up in the wonder of it. So what exactly is the Shamwow? The Shamwow is made up of viscose materials. This means it’s a type of Rayon. Rayon is made from cellulous fiber usually made from wood or other similar materials that is then processed. As mentioned, I really like the amount of water the […]