Mission: Gluten Free Stuffing

Let’s talk about Stuffing. That wonderful seasoned crumbed bread that you have with a delicious turkey. Or if you are like me can eat on its own for a full carb treat. Oh so good! The problem though is some of us are intolerant or allergic to that perfect food and need other options. But Stuffing is just not that easy to replicate in a Gluten-Free way. Our household though has been on the hunt for a stove top version for a while. We have tried a couple of different ones over the last few years and some have been […]

Bath Time In a Small Tub

Lets talk about baths! I live in an apartment that has a bathtub but it’s a short tub. I like baths especially after a busy week. Or after a cold day outside, especially when it gets to minus 20 Celsius. The problem with short tubs is the overflow drain will not let you be nice and snug under those warm waters. So what do you do? Do you cover it with your foot? Do you fill the tub as high as you can and enjoy the deeper waters for a few seconds? Well there is a smarter way! You buy […]